Vinyl frames are made primarily from polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This material has many advantages, including being virtually maintenance-free. Not all vinyl window and door frames are the same. There will be differences in the quality of one manufacturer's vinyl compared to another. This is because a vinyl frame is made from a compound—a recipe of sorts—that dictates its performance over time.


Each additive to a company's vinyl recipe helps determine the long-term characteristics of the final product, like its weather and impact resistance. For example, titanium dioxide makes the vinyl more heat resistant. At first glance, competing windows may look the same, but there can be key differences in the vinyl recipe used and how vinyl parts are formed to make a window structurally strong and optimize insulation performance.


Generally, vinyl windows and doors are available in white and various neutral colors. Our standard colors of white and tan. New coating technology allows UV rays to pass through the color formulation and reflect off the vinyl frame. This preserves the exterior finish resulting in a vinyl window or patio door that can look nearly new for years. This all adds up to durable, reliable, high-quality vinyl replacement windows and patio doors. Also available in remodel or new construction applications.




Cardinal Loå³-366® glass is the ultimate performance glass. It just might make all other low e-glass obsolete. Loå³-366 delivers the ideal balance of solar control and high visibility. And it provides the highest levels of year-round comfort and energy savings. It’s also the one glass you can use to be compliant in every ENERGY STAR zone– in a double-pane window. Couple it with Loå-i89®, and you’re compliant in the North. Its low SHGC makes it compliant throughout the rest of the country as well.

It’s the perfect glass wherever you live.



  • Our energy-efficient glaze glass technology will save you money in no time Soundproof Master Glass
  • Blocks a wide range of noises
  • Reduce exterior noise by 80% and enjoy the silence in the loudest environments
  • Special weatherstripping reduces noise, dust, and exterior air a variety of colors are available to satisfy your unique designs


The table below compares the room-side center of glass temperatures of different glass types against two different winter conditions.

Jared Martínez

714 943 4484

Copyright © 2023 VINYL WINDOWS & DOORS LLC.